Pastel Blue Lace Agate Silver Ring
Wispy Blue Lace Agate Silver Pendant and Chain
Nix Blue Lace Agate Silver Rings
Inua Moonstone Silver Pendant and Chain .
Masina Blue Moonstone Silver Pendant and Chain
Baagh Tiger`s Eye Silver Ring
Panthera Tiger`s Eye Silver Pendant and Chain
Durga Tiger`s Eye Silver Pendant and Chain
Folium Pink and Blue Paua Shell Silver Ring
Folium Blue Goldstone Silver Ring
Folium Sodalite Silver Ring
Folium Mother of Pearl Silver Ring
Folium Moonstone Silver Ring
Folium Amethyst Silver Ring
Mirage Jade Silver Ring
Mirage Goldstone and Black Onyx Silver Rings
Mirage Turquoise Silver Ring
Braided Paua Shell Silver Ring
Organic Goldstone Silver Rings
Organic Paua Shell Silver Rings
Organic Amber and Mother of Pearl Silver Rings